When it comes to maintaining your dog’s overall health, it is not only important to keep your pet healthy and well-fed but to be on the lookout for different diseases and ailments that may impact your beloved pet such as UTIs in dogs. In fact, one of the most common problems to impact dogs is Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs). The more you know about UTIs as a dog owner, the better, so you can spot the signs of this issue in your pet, and get your dog the help he needs to get healthy again.

What Causes UTI in Dogs? Urine, Bacteria, and More

The most common cause of UTIs in dogs and cats is bacteria.  When bacteria gets in through the urethral opening it can move up through the urethra. Typically, the bacteria that causes this is E.coli, Staphylococcus pseudointermedius, or Proteus spp., and it comes from feces or other debris that enters the urethra. If your dog’s immune system is weak for one reason or another, it can increase its chances of getting a UTI. In some rare cases, kidney stones/bladder stones, bladder disease, kidney disease, cancer, diabetes, bladder infection, or bladder inflammation can also cause a UTI in dogs. These bacterial infections are more common in female dogs than males, but they can happen in both genders. It is also more typical in older adult dogs, age seven or older.

Painful Going Potty? Spot the Early Signs of UTI in Dogs

The earlier you can spot the sign of a UTI in dogs, the better. One of the most common, noticeable, and clinical signs of this type of infection is pain when urinating. If your dog whines, whimpers, or winces when urinating or if they are struggling to get urine out because of pain, they may have a UTI and need to go to the veterinarian for a urine culture. It may seem like a subtle issue, but as a pet owner, you will notice when your dog is experiencing this type of discomfort.

Here is a Full List of UTI Symptoms in Dogs:

Pain during urination is the most common symptom of UTIs in dogs. However, there are other signs and symptoms that may indicate there is a problem with your pooch. This includes:
  • Blood in the urine
  • Cloudy looking urine
  • Abnormal accidents in the home
  • Need to use the bathroom more often
  • Dribbling urine without as much control
  • Fever
  • Strong smelling urine
  • Licking around the urethra opening
If you notice some or all of these symptoms, it is time to go to your vet for more information and possibly have a urine sample taken.

Urinary Tract Infections in Dogs: What it Means for Their Bladder

Urinary Tract Infections in dogs go deeper than just the urethra, they can actually impact your dog’s bladder as well. If bacteria infections colonize in the urethra, which they tend to do, this infection can start moving up towards the bladder. This type of infection in dogs is even more irritating than a UTI as it causes the pups to feel like they need to urinate without actually being able to. You may notice your dog squatting or straining a lot and not producing any urine and your dog may be in a great deal of pain. Their urine may be bloody, and these infections can even produce bladder stones in the future.

Why it’s Important to Be on the Lookout for UTI Symptoms in Dogs

So, why is it so important to be on the lookout for UTI symptoms in dogs? The first and most important reason is that UTIs are painful. Even if it doesn’t seem like your dog is in agony, UTIs are extremely uncomfortable. They can lead to other infections in the bladder or kidneys.

Leaving UTI untreated can have serious consequences.

If a UTI is left untreated, the infection can spread throughout your dog’s body. In some more serious situations, it can cause your dog to become septic and even die. This is why it is so important that your dog is able to get the help he needs whenever he has a UTI.

Treatments for Urinary Tract Infections

Once your dog has been diagnosed with a Urinary Tract Infection, your vet will likely recommend a treatment plan to help your canine companion get back to feeling like himself. The most common course of treatment will likely be antibiotics. Typically, after the first round of antibiotics, your vet will order a follow-up urine culture to look for any more bacteria in the urine. [product-alternative product-id=”14398″]

5 Home Remedies for UTI in Dogs

There are several home remedies that you can use to help treat UTIs in dogs besides only antibiotics. While your vet may likely recommend medications, these home remedies can also help your pooch get over their infection. Here are five of the most common home remedies to try: 1. Apple Cider Vinegar. This common household vinegar is actually a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent. Just put 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in your dog’s water twice a day for up to 10 days to help with their UTIs. 2. D-Mannose. D-mannose is a non-metabolizable sugar that prevents E.coli (the most common cause of UTIs in dogs) from attaching to the bladder. Cranberries are rich in D-mannose. Alternatively, you can use D-mannose supplements. 3. Couch Grass. This common weed has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and diuretic features. The root of couch grass is used to make solutions that can be added to the dog’s drinking water. 4. Marshmallow Root. Marshmallow Root is excellent for dogs with UTIs because it has strong anti-inflammatory properties and creates a protective barrier over the lining of the bladder. The marshmallow root powder can be sprinkled on the dog food. 5. Parsley Leaf. Parsley is a natural diuretic with additional antiseptic features. The best way to give it to your dog is by making parsley juice in a juicer. The parsley juice works best when given on an empty stomach.

Take Your Dog to the Veterinarian for a Proper Diagnosis First!

Before you start using any home remedies, or any over-the-counter pet medications, you need to go in and talk to your vet first. Proper diagnosis is essential when it comes to a UTI. It is easy to misdiagnose this issue and you want to make sure there isn’t something else more serious going on with your pet.

How to Prevent UTI in Dogs

Knowing how to treat UTIs when they happen is important, but it is even more essential that you know how to prevent UTIs from happening in the first place as it can save you a trip to the vet and save your dog a great deal of pain. Here are some of the most common ways to prevent UTIs.
  • Keep your dog well-groomed, especially around the rear.
  • Make sure your dog is staying hydrated. Properly hydrated dogs are less likely to get a UTI.
  • Give your dog regular baths and help them stay clean.
  • Take your dog out often. Dogs who have to hold their urine for 8-10 hours are more likely to get UTIs.
These small tips can go a long way in helping prevent UTIs in dogs, especially in older, female dogs who are more prone to this condition.

Bye Bye UTI: Going potty should not be painful for any pup!

As a pet owner, you want to do anything you can to keep your pet happy and healthy. No dog should ever have to deal with the pain while trying to go potty. This is why it is so important to know the best way to diagnose, treat and prevent UTIs so your canine companion never has to deal with this type of pain.