What Are the Best Quiet Ears for Dogs?

Petlab Co. - Clear Ears Therapy Ear Cleaner for Dogs
  • Designed to safely and potently rinse and clean your dog’s ear canal.
  • Helps with itchy ears, head shaking, blocked ear canals due to excessive wax, trapped moisture, and yeast
  • Contains carefully-selected ingredients to ensure your pup remains healthy and happy

Do Quiet Ears Work for Dogs?

It depends. There is no data to suggest covering a dog’s ears helps to ease anxiety or stress, but anecdotal evidence is often rich on this subject. It is easy to find stories about people whose dogs are made calmer by wearing a hood around their ears.

This is perhaps because it muffles the sound the dog’s ears are receiving or because it provides a swaddling effect that can calm dogs down.

What Are the Benefits of Quiet Ears for Dogs?

There are several benefits of using quiet ears for dogs. Here are some of them:

  • Less Stress. Dogs are susceptible to anxiety and stress. Covering the ears of a dog can help muffle outside noises. Depending on the fabric, it may even create a mild white noise that helps to drown out loud noises when the fabric brushes against the dog’s face. All of this help to distract the dog from its stressors.
  • Warmth. This may depend on the size and material the ear cover is made of, but a longer hood that covers the neck can do a lot to keep a dog warm in cold weather.
  • Ear Protection. When a dog’s ears are covered, they are protected from injury. Most ear injuries are caused by excessive head shaking or itching. Quiet ears cover the ears, which keep them close to the dog’s head and unable to be thrown around during an aggressive head shake and also guard them against the dog’s claws as they scratch. This is especially helpful in dogs with ear infections that scratch a lot as a result of the infection.
  • Cute Design. Not every benefit has to be serious. Sometimes it’s just cute to see a dog with ear muffs or with ears that don’t belong to them, like rabbit ears or bear ears. Dogs can sense when their human is happy, and wearing a dog snood will most likely amuse their owners. This can distract the dog from focusing on its irritated ears and focus on how happy their person is that they are wearing clothes.

The Best Quiet Ears for Dogs Reviewed

There are many quiet ears for your pet dog on the market, and finding the right one can be tricky. To help you make a choice, we have reviewed the top best-selling quiet ears for dogs. Read before clicking checkout.

The Original Happy Hoodie for Anxiety Relief & Calming Dogs

Summary: Made by groomers for groomers, this dog hat was made to provide a comforting and soothing effect for anxious dogs. It protects their sensitive ears from loud noises and high-pressure air used during the grooming process.

When used correctly, this dog snood is effective in reducing noise exposure to a dog’s sensitive ears. The snug fit makes for a good tool to reduce a dog’s anxiety and stress and can prevent ear injuries in more skittish dogs.

Best for: Dogs of all ages

Material: Cotton, nylon, elastic blend

Features: Machine washable; snug fit with 3 different sizes; helps reduce noise exposure; highly breathable

  • 3 sizes to fit small dogs and large dogs alike
  • Create a white noise effect to drown out noises
  • Highly breathable materials
  • Machine washable and easy maintenance
  • Can help prevent ear hematomas
  • The sizes run relatively small

Review: Many of the over 4,000 reviews on Amazon are positive. Dog owners were happy with the product noting it worked great as a noise protection tool for their pet’s ears. Numerous other customers were pleased that there were two dog ear muffs in the package when they only needed one but said the larger one worked great to layer and protect their dogs and cats from the cold.

Disappointed customers were let down by how tight these quiet ears for dogs were on their dogs. Some said it noticeably affected their pet’s breathing, while others said it seemed to hurt their dog’s ears.

Zoo Snoods No Flap Ear Wrap Hood for Dogs

Summary: This handmade dog snood covers your pet’s ears to keep them warm and protected from dirt, moisture, and cold wind. The ears on this dog costume provide a cute and fun look for you while offering a warm and comfortable experience for your dog.

It is recommended for medium-sized dogs from 15-60 pounds and is made with soft acrylic yarn for a hypoallergenic, safe experience. As a bonus, Zoo Snoods donates a portion of every sale to animal welfare organizations dedicated to rescuing and protecting animals in need.

Best for: Dogs between 15-60 pounds

Material: Acrylic

Features: Made of hypoallergenic acrylic yarn; rabbit ears for fun; variety of shapes

  • Hypoallergenic
  • Keeps dog’s ears warm
  • Available in different patterns for different dog costume themes
  • Handmade
  • A portion of each sale is donated to help shelter animals
  • Isn’t long enough to protect a pet’s neck
  • Does not fit large dogs

Review: The most common compliment is how “cute” this dog hood is. Customers are pleased with how their pets look in this dog hood and were happy with the price and quality, as well as saying how cute this was as their dog’s Halloween costume.

Critical customers were disappointed with how quickly these quiet ears for dogs stretched out. They were upset about how easy it was for their dog to get off of their head and complained it posed a safety hazard because it would fall into their dog’s eyes.

FKYzixeh Dog Ear Cover for Anxiety Relief

Summary: Made of premium soft cotton, this neck warmer fully wraps your dog’s ears and neck to protect it from noises and cold weather. It helps to calm the during grooming and helps to prevent secondary injury by keeping the ears held down and protected from scratching.

It is a great option to keep large, floppy ears out of food and water and during outdoor activities to prevent dog ear infections that can lead to serious help problems. It is available in several sizes to fit all dog breeds and provide them comfort and warmth during thunderstorms and other stressful situations.

Best for: Dogs of all sizes

Material: Cotton

Features: Super soft cotton; Covers neck; Multiple sizes

  • Available in multiple sizes to fit most dogs
  • Covers the neck to provide warmth
  • Keeps ears out of food and water
  • Protects ears from scratching
  • Helps to reduce fear of loud noises
  • The limited number of customer reviews doesn’t give potential customers a clear picture of what to expect when purchasing this product

Review: There were only six ratings of these quiet ears for dogs and one review. The review said it had worked to keep their dog calm during bathtime, and they gave it five stars. No ratings were below 3 stars.

Frienda Quiet Ears for Dogs

Summary: The oversized design of this doggy headwear is made with your pet’s comfort in mind. It features an oversized space that allows room for a dog’s ears without crushing them to protect them from noises.

The elastic rim of the ears helps secure the hood on the pet’s head while allowing their ears to be comfortably protected. It is a great option for dog clothes that keep their ears warm and comfortable.

Best for: Dogs and cats

Material: Cotton

Features: Multiple colors; fun ears; full head protection; elastic edges

  • Available in multiple colors
  • Offers full head protection from noises and cold weather
  • Elastic edges provide a secure fit without being too tight around the ears
  • Available in fun ears for a cute dog look
  • Machine washable
  • Sizes run large, so pet owners should order a size smaller than they expect

Review: The top positive review claims these quiet ears for dogs are “better than medication” to treat their dog’s anxiety. Other pet owners said similar things and mentioned how much calmer their pets were when wearing this in situations they would have previously been frightened or stressed.

While these customers were pleased with the look and quality, nearly 20% were dissatisfied with their experience. The most common complaint is the size was inaccurate and was too big, causing the hat to fall off their pet’s head easily.

Vokiuler Quiet Ears for Dogs No Flap Ear Wraps for Anxiety Relief, Calming, Grooming, and Neck Ear Warmer

Summary: The stretchy cotton fabric of this ear protection for dogs acts like a thundershirt during storms and fireworks. It is available in multiple sizes to fit dogs of all shapes and offer them relief from anxiety in stressful situations by providing a swaddling effect.

It fully covers the ears to provide relief from loud noises and the ears to minimize the effects of sudden noises. As a bonus, it provides ear protection in cases of scratching, injury prevention, or recovery to help ease tension in dogs.

Best for: Dogs of all sizes

Material: Cotton

Features: Stretchy cotton; provides gentle compression; multiple sizes for different breeds; dirt resistant

  • Reduces noise exposure
  • Material is resistant to dirt
  • Gentle compression offers a swaddling effect
  • Keeps ears and neck warm in cold weather
  • Available in sizes for every breed
  • The stretch material is thin and may not protect against noise well

Review: Many happy dog owners left customer reviews stating it had helped their dogs calm down after stressful events like storms, grooming, and vet visits. They said these quiet ears for dogs have made their dog very relaxed, but 24% of reviews were 1 and 2 stars.

These unhappy customers complained that the material stretched out too quickly and did nothing to protect their dogs from noise, which was a common complaint among 3 and 4 stars reviews as well.

Quiet Ears for Dogs Dog's Ear Muffs Headband Noise Ear Protection for Dogs

Summary: Providing noise protection by gently compressing the ears and closing the ear canal, this dog wear is great at keeping the dog’s neck warm as well. It is made with soft, stretchy cotton that helps to keep in the warmth and keep the ears protected from scratching, or violent head shaking.

It is large enough to accommodate dogs with large ears and helps to keep their ears out of food and water to prevent ear infections. There are multiple sizes available, so dogs of all sizes and breeds can experience protection and relief from anxiety.

Best for: Dogs of all sizes

Material: Polyester

Features: Polyester elastic blend; long length to provide neck protection; multiple sizes for every dog

  • Available in sizes for all breeds
  • The long length keeps the neck warm
  • Provide ear protection
  • Suitable for cats as well as dogs
  • Double-layer design keeps warmth
  • The thin fabric may stretch out quickly with regular use

Review: Most customer reviews were positive regarding these quiet ears for dogs. Pet owners said their pets like wearing these quiet ears for dogs outside in the cold, and some said they made their dogs calm during storms and fireworks.

Unhappy customers mostly complained about the scarf stretching out too quickly or that it did little to keep their dogs from becoming frightened by loud or sudden noises.

The Original Happy Hoodie for Anxiety Relief & Calming Dogs
  • Happy Hoodie was created as a grooming tool to CALM & protect dogs from the loud noise & high-pressured air associated w/ force drying. 
  • Noise reduction is achieved by Happy Hoodie’s gentle compression closing off the ear canal. 
  • Anti-anxiety aid for stress in the home, car, and at the Vets.

What Should I Look for in Quiet Ears for Dogs?

When shopping for quiet ears for dogs, consider the following factors:

  • Fabric. Polyester and elastic are the most common materials used to make ear covers for dogs. While these work for most scenarios, they do not always work for some. Those who live in colder climates may need something with more insulation or padding, while those who live in warmer climates might need something thin and breathable.
  • Length. If you live in a cold climate and your dog spends a lot of time outside, it might be a good idea to get a longer hood for them. This will provide a bit of protection for the neck and help keep the heat in. A shorter hood is probably better suited for warmer climates as they do not cover the neck and do not keep as much heat in.
  • Thickness. Generally speaking, the thicker a dog’s snood, the more heat it will trap and the more protection from injury it will provide.
  • Design. Most quiet ear designs are made from a single piece of stretchy cloth that covers the ears and part of the neck. There may be other designs that work better for your dog, though, depending on the needs of your dog. They may require something with more room for the ears or something that fits more snuggly on their face so they can play. They may also prefer something that sits less on their ears and more on their neck. The design a dog will prefer will vary on the dog and may require a bit of trial and error to figure out.